Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University was America’s first research institution that revolutionized the landscape of higher education in the US when it was founded in 1876 with the intention of combining research and education. In the inaugural address of the University, the first president Daniel Coit Gilman said that the University was founded with the sole purpose of producing “scholars, strong, bright, useful and true.” The institution’s founding philosophy was that knowledge can be enhanced via continual research and innovation, and it has led the university to become the top 5 worldwide for Sciences and top 10 globally for practically all of the programs that it offers. Johns Hopkins University has also been a leader in disseminating data-based ongoing research and studies across the world. It is affiliated with the Association of American Universities (AAU), Universities Research Association (URA), National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), Consortium of Financing Higher Education (COFHE), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and the Space-grant colleges in the US.

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